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Seashell had a beautiful singing voice that she had always used to entertain her friends in the ocean. But, she had never dreamed that her voice would be appreciated by anyone outside of her ocean home.

One day, her friend, a small crab named Sandy, told her about a singing competition held in the human world. Seashell was intrigued. She had always been fascinated by the human world, so she decided to go and participate in the competition.

But, she was a dolphin and couldn't go to the human world in her natural form. She had to find a way to transform into a human so that she could compete in the singing competition.

So, with the help of a friendly sea witch, Seashell was transformed into a human. She was a little nervous, but she was determined to show the human world her amazing voice.

On the day of the competition, Seashell performed her song with confidence. Everyone in the audience was mesmerized by her beautiful voice, and when the results were announced, Seashell had won the competition!

After that, Seashell became a star both underwater and above water. She had made history by being the first ever dolphin to win a human singing competition. Everyone in the ocean was proud of her and she was celebrated by both humans and dolphins alike.

Seashell had achieved her dream of having her voice heard both in the ocean and in the human world. From then on, her beautiful voice was known by all.