Yuimaru's Comments

Aww if this adorable one is still up for adoption, I will happily give her a forever home too!

I’d love to enter! She’s so gosh darned adorable

ahhhh so cute!! I'd probably keep her as a genshin oc but change a few details

Often times while at Ritou port, one can see something gold and teal under the water. That "something" is Yoshiko. Despite all of the fishermen's tall tales and horror stories, the only way she may scare you is popping out of the water to say hello, or to try and sell you her handcrafted bracelets.

Being only half-mermaid, Yoshiko is a land dweller as well. The teen girl lives in Konda village alongside her mother. Her mother never really specified much about her father. Now that Yoshiko is 13 she wants to try and find him because she thinks she's old enough.

But her mother still denied her wishes. 

All of a sudden, she received a letter. The edges seemed a bit damp.

"It's from.... Fontaine?"

misc: she would be a hydro sword, her kit is sub-dps with some healing capabilities

Seashell had a beautiful singing voice that she had always used to entertain her friends in the ocean. But, she had never dreamed that her voice would be appreciated by anyone outside of her ocean home.

One day, her friend, a small crab named Sandy, told her about a singing competition held in the human world. Seashell was intrigued. She had always been fascinated by the human world, so she decided to go and participate in the competition.

But, she was a dolphin and couldn't go to the human world in her natural form. She had to find a way to transform into a human so that she could compete in the singing competition.

So, with the help of a friendly sea witch, Seashell was transformed into a human. She was a little nervous, but she was determined to show the human world her amazing voice.

On the day of the competition, Seashell performed her song with confidence. Everyone in the audience was mesmerized by her beautiful voice, and when the results were announced, Seashell had won the competition!

After that, Seashell became a star both underwater and above water. She had made history by being the first ever dolphin to win a human singing competition. Everyone in the ocean was proud of her and she was celebrated by both humans and dolphins alike.

Seashell had achieved her dream of having her voice heard both in the ocean and in the human world. From then on, her beautiful voice was known by all.

I’d also love to enter for a chance to adopt her too. She’s be perfect in a Japanese themed fantasy series of mine.

She is sooo cute! Can I adopt this character and draw her along with my other ocs? 🩵

Super adorbs too! Her bestie is Mariana who's pretty much a Humaniod blobfish. Mariana used to be a regular blobfish until Calypso came along.

Name: Calypso

Species: Siren

Personality: Creative, Curious, Ambitious, and Narcissistic.

Backstory: Calypso is a siren who wishes to be above the water and explore more what's out there. She always talk to Mariana about her problems whenever she needed some comfort even if Mariana doesn't give the best advice for her to follow or simply says "wow that sucks" 

Calypso always heard human tales either from sailors she stalks on or simply people near the island. Which it made Calypso very curious about humankind. Of course, there was only one problem. She has no legs. Therefore she wouldn't be able to climb to the surface or if anything. She would just flop like a fish trying to breathe. 

Calypso is one of the sirens who have the greatest talents when it comes to singing. Sure any siren could sing if anything, but her speciality when it comes to singing has to be pop music. But she could also sing other genres. Just that she must struggle a bit at it.

Calypso has always been confused by sailors as a fish or a mermaid if they see her "human" features. However, one day Calypso like any other day tried to drag a sailor down to the sea but what she encountered was a sorcerer instead. The sorcerer pleaded it's life to be let go and in exchange. He would fulfill Calypso desires. Calypso wished her and Mariana to become humans. Although the sorcerer granted her wish. Consequences also happened. See. Instead of her outright fully becoming human like Ariel per say. She became s mixture of both a siren and a human along with her friend too. 

Calypso was absolutely angry at the sorcerer but she decided to let him go as she promised. Calypso then encountered themselves a island where she and her friend can live. Calypso then had to get used to her new life being half aquatic but also half human. The island she encountered was actually Japan. Calypso wasn't aware that it was an entire society living up there already. And her first thoughts were to simply adapt the human life. And also because her siren voice no longer works like it's supposed to. Sure it still enchants humans to adore her but it doesn't work to manipulate them to the sea no longer.

Not to mention her friend is living reminder of the sailors since she likes to wear sailor outfits for some reason. Calypso wears a kimono just to try to simply hide her aquatic features. So that she can match with the rest. Although if someone were to see her features. She would simply say that she's "cosplaying"

Part 2 because I don't want to overfill the section there

Backstory continuation: Calypso however gotten inspiration when she hummed a little tune and she accidentally gather a small group of people to listen to her. She decided to create her own group of idols and making it aquatic themed just to raise less suspicion. She only has two people working on the group that being her and Mariana. Although she doesn't mind that the group is so small. Since she has her to expand it more. 

To this day, she is still growing her group and she currently has 5,000 fans coming in, which for her it is a lot. She may not be as big as other idol groups Espiacally since they've been their longer then her group. But she never wants to give up her career for singing and still contuined to strive herself to be on top along with Mariana

May I adopt this cute bean?

They look like they would be a super cute Vtuber and I'd prolly make them be able to transform into a cute lil creature and put them in my Vtubers story and have them as a lil character on my channel 

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I LOVE HER She is super adorable, she could be best friends with https://toyhou.se/17133672.lelo

Her name could be Kazemi, she is a mermaid who accidentally wandered into the human realm, she is extremely extroverted and loves all people but she has to be careful to not show her fins/tail so she often wears a kimono.

She loves rice, eggs and most human foods after being introduced, she is a huge foodie and often makes messes in the kitchen after being taken in by her foster family.

She is actually a princess but she has no recollection of who she actually is until much later because she went to the human realm. She is next in line for the throne back in the sea, but she loves human life.

id love to draw her/offer for her since she’s perfect!

Dude stop why is she free 😭😭😭 so so cute!, I’ve been wanting to have a mermaid oc for ever

Name : Phillis She’d travel a lot looking for a lost friend she had met as a very youth kid! The only problem is that they are from 2 different worlds, they meet back up as older kids low teens and get into silly fun at the beach! Okoa is a dragon maybe Phillis is a sea creature? I’d love to have em! I’d even draw art for them! (Fullbody ?)

HELPPP SHES SO CUTE!!!!!!! I think going along with her current story she ends up trailing away from the shrine and meeting https://toyhou.se/12377908.mantadew ! But the shrine maidens try to keep Kairi hidden so Kairi keeps this newfound friendship a secret, Manta only tends to explore beaches so the friendship grows from Kairi telling her about all the things she has read in books while Manta tells her about all the beaches she's gone to and the life underwater :]