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thank you so much for using!
in theory the swap should be possible, but unfortunately im currently without access to my pc (until approximately september 10th) and won't be able to test a code out :( if you want to try figuring it out yourself in the meantime feel free to, otherwise if you don't mind waiting a bit i'll test it out as soon as im able to! (in theory, replacing the image with a span with the text-center class and whatever styling you'd like should do the trick, you might have to play around with the card's padding and the font sizing, i can't 100% guarantee it will work but it might be a start)

Of course!! It's so pretty hehe <33!! But, i see! I was trying to fiddle around with it last night, and ended up being able to change it to text instead! But, I don't know how to center and resize the text in the box ^^;; Can I ask for any tips on that?

for resizing the text, try looking for the font-size:#px; tag in the style of the span (i assume you're using spans) with the text, or add it yourself if it's not already there (changing the # to any number you want; if you copied another span, the size will probably be expressed as #em or #rem)
for centering, try adding justify-content-center align-items-center to the class of the card with the text inside, it usually works for me

( once again, i cant test these atm, sorry :[ if they don't work and it's a time sensitive thing you can try asking the coding help forums!  there's a lot of people willing to help out there)

Gotcha, I'll do my best :D!! Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it^^ I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night :3

no problem, im always happy to help whenever i can! hope you have a nice time too ^^