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Of course!! It's so pretty hehe <33!! But, i see! I was trying to fiddle around with it last night, and ended up being able to change it to text instead! But, I don't know how to center and resize the text in the box ^^;; Can I ask for any tips on that?

for resizing the text, try looking for the font-size:#px; tag in the style of the span (i assume you're using spans) with the text, or add it yourself if it's not already there (changing the # to any number you want; if you copied another span, the size will probably be expressed as #em or #rem)
for centering, try adding justify-content-center align-items-center to the class of the card with the text inside, it usually works for me

( once again, i cant test these atm, sorry :[ if they don't work and it's a time sensitive thing you can try asking the coding help forums!  there's a lot of people willing to help out there)

Gotcha, I'll do my best :D!! Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it^^ I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night :3

no problem, im always happy to help whenever i can! hope you have a nice time too ^^