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OOoo if agreed, I'd trade both of them! O:

Would you do this meme with this char? (if you added a second char or alternated a char in any of the shots, she's besties with )

And a scene of with a floating orange glowing cube and wearing this collar  walking together in a forest looking like they're laughing about something?

of course i can do the tangled up meme w/mystique and piena! :3 as well as the scene, the scene may come first but i'll send a wip shots whenever possible :3 tysm for the this chance!! :0 

YAAAY AWESOME I got them on pending omg tysm I can't wait to see it! X3

HIYA! Just wondering if maybe you had an update? c:

srry for the late reply! Haven’t been checking th lately!
im half way through lining the animation itself with a lot of it still being sketch, on and off working on a map part and a few comms but! Hoping to finish that specifically before Christmas at least lol !

i have been slacked with the “scene” especially unfortunately (frown), for security reasons I can get that done this week Just so you have something 😭😭 if that’s all alright 

NO problem, omg HYPEEE <333 yeah that'd be awesome! Thanks for the update! :D