Comments on Kara All Comments

Aww Kara is such sweetie. It's sad that she died. I wonder if her daughter doing well without her. Kara is a very strong person. The fact that she is independent and doesn't waver in front of others and taking her own stand/place is such amazing courage and will. Even though her life is now in the Underworld, she is still doing her best. Kara is such an admirable person. Can I also add that she is a very pretty woman? >//< I love her design. Her dress is really pretty. The colors on her also fit well. She looks motherly and so kind. I hope she continues to find more happiness and overcome her obstacles. 

Thank you for such a nice comment! <33

I'm happy to say that Kara's daughter was left in good hands before she died ^.^ And I'm happy that you like her design! I did my best to find a nice dress that suited her and fit her time period~ Kara's really strong, so she did eventually find happiness in the Underworld (੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧