Comments on NEW TERMS FOR DESIGN OWNERS All Comments

Wanted to let you know I'm privatizing the design I own made by you due to the fear that, as stated in your tos, you might reclaim it without permission and resell it due to my unwillingness to cooperate with giving my beloved character back to you. This character had gone through a lot and helped me with a bunch of stuff so I will not be getting rid of it in the foreseeable future. I rightfully got it and have proof of said interaction taking place.

Oh I know. No worries. I'm not reclaiming it for any reason. You're welcome to private it as you wish. An access link or authorized list view would be appreciated but I understand if you'd rather not. Thank you for informing me either way.

I'd rather not as the character has art, not made by me, I'd like to keep hidden as to preserve his dignity.

Alright. That's fine. Again, thank you for notifying me.

Would also appreciate if my name was taken out of that list if possible, I keep getting pinged here and idk why, I'm pretty sure it's some sort of bug with the post

There you go. You should no longer be getting any pings.