Comments on GACHA !! OPEN [38/128] All Comments Start of Thread Parent

The skin tone is almost the exact same, they have short black and baby blue hair with the bangs covering one of the eyes. The fishbone on the middle of their sweater, the skeleton fishbone tail, the black long misshapen legs... I really don't think I'm reaching for this one and I've had multiple people send me this listing. I don't want to argue or make this an ordeal I just think the two characters look a bit too similar and it made both me and the designer uncomfortable with it being sold. They look pretty identical asides from the lack of hair fins and a yellow sweater. 

That’s ok I get that!! I’m usually one that rlly hates ppl copying or taking heavy inspo, so if this person knows the creator and actively follows them or has faced the design that’d def be a giveaway, I understand how they can be similar but I feel like it’s rlly not that identical! Ofc u have the right to be upset but I think it’s up to the poster, if it’s not taken down u could probably report it but idk if they’d rlly find the designs similar enough to even take it down/ask for it to be removed </3  

I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. They do follow the original designer so it’s not like it’s entirely out of the realm of possibility. I still believe the designs look a tad too similar and that it would be disingenuous to sell the design. If it weren’t for other users bringing this to my attention I wouldn’t have known but, if others are private messaging me about it and the designer also agrees then I think it is something worth discussing and bringing attention to. 

Yeah that’s def fine!! I do recommend just dming this creator tho! As they’re getting a lot of comments and might miss this plus it’s bringing something pretty small to the public! 

they also copied two other designs LOL 26 and 72... and

they literally have the chimereon faved :skull:

i knew some other designs must've been copied (sorry to but in but i didn't see anyone else talking about it)

Hello ^^ I have not copied any designs, any similarities are purely coincidental. Due to the gacha chibis being small and simple its easy for them to be likened to other designs. All of these designs were based off household objects or Pinterest images. I have not seen the first design in my life. Again, I would like to reinstate if there are any issues please just inbox me. It is unnecessary to comment publicly, especially when I am aware you have most likely not contacted either owners. I am happy to adjust designs people believe to be too similar ^^ even if its just coincidental on my part.

hi, as a mutual of gecko i wanted to respond to this in a way that was fair and state my opinion to your comment, i understand my judgement might be clouded because i look up to and support geckos but i wanted to put in my input as someone whose had their ocs copied a multitude of times and as a mutual of him T_T3


i want to start off with the first example, i don't think anything about these characters is similar except for the general color palette and having darker hair+blue skin. both designs are fairly simple and the only resemblance is dark hair, blue skin and the color palette. the eyes are different, the skin markings are different, the tail is different and the first character is humanoid when gecko's adopt looks more anthro/monstery.

the second example i can definitely see similarities but i don't believe they were intentional. as i was colorpicking gecko's adopt i noticed that there was a fuzzy filter over his adopt and i believe he might've made the adopt inspired by the backrooms? possibly. i've seen many gradient ocs with similar colors and accents and even if geckos did take inspiration i don't think it was necessarily intentional. the similarities i saw were: the gradient, multiple red eyes and claws. but other than that i believe the designs differ enough on their own, gecko's adopt has more markings and a different tail and species type completely. both designs are just too simple to say but i don't think geckos copied this oc.

i honestly think this is a misunderstanding that would've been more appropriate by contacting the owners of the ocs or geckos first, when i noticed my ocs got copied i would've rather had someone dm me about it first than commenting on the artist/oc's profile. i apologize for butting in aswell but i think the way you approached this was unnecessary and unfair.

also with how many designs were in the batch there are bound to be similarities with other characters, there's millions of characters on toyhouse and almost no concept is unique on it's own anymore, there will always be characters that are similar in color palette or general theme but it doesn't always mean they're copied ;;

I 100% agree with the points that scenecat made, your guys's accusations do not even have any proper evidence or proof that Gecko actually copied anything. There are only about 1-3 aspects similar and those aspects are very common design choices such as multiple eyes, fishbones which are present in a lot of the designs here so it's safe to assume that it's just a design aspect Gecko likes, hell even a blue orange color palette isn't uncommon because it's complementary towards one another, even I have used that palette multiple times. The most logical conclusion is literally just that all of it is coincidence.

Not everything will be original, it is ridiculous to immediately come to these conclusions without any evidence, ask to take these designs down which Gecko spent time and effort on, and baselessly accusing Gecko publicly. This genuinely should’ve been brought up privately.

hello! owner of creep here :3 i appreciate you letting me know about this! at first this message really scared me but looking closer at the two characters, i believe they are somewhat different enough. yes they have very similar color palettes and features, but they also have differences that make them unique. i am hoping this is just a huge coincidence on geckos part and nothing more!! but ya im fine with this if thats the case, could totally tell why you would be worried tho! :J

Hiya!! I've spoken to gecko just to better be able to reply better but he did clarify that it was all coincidental and we list down below the creative process if at all it helps clear anything up more!! :3

A part of his process for this design in particular he recounts using this reference img here and colour hueing and picking from it until it was something that workable into a design. They are originally meant to be themed off wild berries and the backrooms as theming.

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