Comments on GACHA !! OPEN [38/128] All Comments

Hiya!! Im writing this to help clarify things up since accusations are just being thrown out rather than civilly being talked about especially on what is supposed to be a fun gatcha for everyone. If you have any concerns or problems you are more than welcome to contact me or gecko to privately discuss the matter and see what we can sort out so that no one is uncomfortable of any similarities even if they were coincidental. What however is immature to do is to jump on the bandwagon of accusations throwing words like theft and stealing with no substance. Using words like this can be nothing more than hurtful if false/inaccurate and is a weak attempt at defaming and pressuming the worst in designers when we are also human.

I am personally a close friend of geckos and I know how much this has stressed him out and I'm stepping in to say my thoughts in hopes of this being avoided in the future. He has always been a really creative and talented artist and to simply disregard all of that hard work because of something as foolish as using a colour palette. Surprise, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE owns a palette nor colours and they never will and some themes will just overlap sometimes especially with how many designs were made its like bound to happen. I can't help but feel like some of you just want to tear down other's successes out of some spite or jealousy you may have and I hope you look deep within yourself to see why are you feeling this way and why stress others out for your own insecurities.

Yes in the case that simplistic designs such as this gacha it's inevitable that some similarities will occur since surprise no one can ever be 1000% original. No toyhouse user ever invented a colour palette or even using said colours in combination is not something ANYONE can own. Many designs on toyhouse share similar themes because thats simply what a lot of people like!

Sometimes yes coincidences do happen and we are more than happy to address and fix whatever we can to ensure everyone's happiness in the end. What I cannot appreciate however is causing unnecessary stress by band wagoning rather than this being something to solve in private as it always should have been.  I also advise whoever reads this to also check out this bulletin from my friend gecko in helps it clarifies anything >>

At the end of the day I can let you know what I personally was on call majority if not pretty much all of the time both me and gecko were working on this batch of designs and not once have either of us ever looked at any designs for inspiration. Infact we were just using pinterest mood boards and objects to base each design off from! Anyways thanks for reading and feel free to reach out to me if you need to discuss anything else <3

you two stay safe! Sorry about all the issues <3