Comments on [SALE!] $10 Wave! - YCH All Comments

Hiii! If these are still open could I get one of this fella? : D (any expression is fine) 

Yep these are still open! Are you cool with payment upfront? Otherwise I can do it after sketches maybe I just want to make sure which is preferred 🙏

Yep! Totally fine w/ upfront ^^

My responses literally refuse to go through but awesome! Feel free to send things here! (absolutely ignore the user it was from like 3+ years ago ;;) and I’ll get to work 😁☝️

Dw abt it aahfng. I've sent it, ty! ^^

Hiii! So I totally blanked on asking what type of background you wanted! Till I know, here’s a lil preview just to make sure everything looks right (will fix the speed and everything else once the background is set)


3 Replies