Comments on Trick or Treat 2023 All Comments

 — You hear a faint knock coming from your door, probably someone really, really late but hoping to find some treats here.
"Wait... I forgot my pumpkin! How am I supposed to get candies?!"


Seeing a basketless trick or treater once he opened the door, Tyko chuckled gently before passing along a bag with some candy. "Here you go, take care, okay?"

//ooc: you got a treat - fanart of your oc! Let me know if you'd prefer something else, or if you have an oc you'd prefer to have drawn!

I love I love, oh my, thanks. May you drawn Arika? My pink long boy.

sorry for the lag, but I loved drawing him! I don't really know how I messed up some of those details since I had the ref up the whole time, but I didn't notice till after it was too late - all the same, thank you for letting me draw him!