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Of course you guys can! ^w^
Could you guys do those characters? (If want me to change any, just let me know <3)

Fullbody 1: Talon Howler
- He's Leshi's brother, I was looking for a fullbody of him in anthro form (if it's not too much work dhshghggs). The outfit he wears is similar to Leshi's, as he works in the same place, but he is of a higher class. Also HERE is a drawing I did of him where he has the hair and the color of the shirt and tie that he usually wears (The suit over the shirt is not necessary, can be same in the picture shown)

Fullbody 2: Ozzie Hawking
- You can do him in anthro or feral form, usually Ozzie is always as an expression of tiredness. He's my gothic emo cat inspired by Eddie from stranger things. The dragon print on his shirt is optional, the only thing that is not optional in both forms is the simplest accessories (such as the pircings and the necklace).

Bust: Mila The Dog
- Mila is my silly girl, you can do her in anthro or feral form. I don't have much of a preference in what to do for her, so feel free to play around >:3

Fullbody tweened gif: Joseph Downs
- This little one is another character that I don't have a preference in form, you can choose the one that you think is best for you to do. Of all the characters listed, Joseph is the one I'm most curious to see how will turn out! How much cuteness does it take to make me fall to the ground? XD

Also, would you two like me to add some extra art for the character or some additional information in the story?
It's a freebie as a thank you for your interest in the character.


Okay, take your time guys. ^w^
I'm already very excited to see Joseph, he's really adorable! I love him djhsahjhs

And yes, I can draw the character using a t-shirt. Do you guys have a specific color or do you want it to be green? Just checking so I don't do anything wrong TwT

Thank you! :D Hmm, we want something like light blue :3

You're welcome! <3
Okay! I'll start drawing him today or tomorrow uwu

Helloo! Once again I was late, this end of the year and beginning of the new year was very busy and I was taking some time off from social media (I had some health problems such as anxiety and possibly depression). I was also waiting for my new computer to arrive, but it took longer than expected,  luckily it arrived about 4 days ago and I'm back in action (after a month of waiting... ówò)

But here we go, I hope you guys don't mind all the text (sorry, but i need to talk about the arts payment!)

First art: If I'm not mistaken, I must have spoken to Aurumlupus but I'll say again - the shading of this art DELIGHTS me, like... it really turned out so beautiful, I also love the choice of background because Mila was already part of one TV Show in her universe where she lived most of the time in a forest, so I think this fits very well and makes me nostalgic to remember!! XD
(I have plans to do a comic from this TV Show...someday.)

Second art: RED BACKGROUND...I remember giving a little scream at the time, something like "OOOOOOWH, WHAT IS THAT??????????", because I DEFINITELY didn't expect you guys going to make a background for this art, really didn't need it have done! I would be satisfied with just the fullbody, but my god...I think if you guys had given me this art first, I would without a shadow of a doubt give you the weight without charging anything else in return just for the effort of having made the background!! TwT

Third art: I don't even need to say anything about this one...let's move on to the next one! :D

Joking apart. I could very well justify my disappearance by just this precious little jewel, it's difficult to return to Earth after seeing such a CUTE holding up the dragon plush and looking so cutely into my soul!!!!!!!!!! Like, I was literally like this:


Fourth art: This one we will have a live reaction, while I am typing this message I will see!!
ac713c173d99c5e373ca549ea73f08cf.jpgSo that's it...after this drawing, I'm going to marry the antagonist of the story ò.ó

I'm a big fan of you guys, just wait for me and when I get more points you'll see...

Weeeeell, I really don't even know how to thank you guys for so much beautiful arts!!! I feel a little embarrassed for not having reply sooner...but REALLY thank you sooooo soooo much!! I will add the character's art to his gallery and send it to you guys! THANK YOOUU TWO!! <3333

Ohhhh! You are so adorable! We are so pleased!

9889efbd66aa43cb42a71ef6a902aaa6.jpgFirst of all, don't worry about absence. Mental health is most important! The most important thing is that it is better <3

We don't know what to say! I have no words for these hymns of praise. You are too kind for us! TwT <333 We wish you all the best! We are fan of your art to! The drawing you added to adopt is just AWESOME! I can't take my eyes off!

All the best and thank you for your character! :D ^^

1 Replies