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Moroccan french... Hey Im algerian french + your designs and world are sick

waving at you hi hi hi

Saluuuuut 8) i really like how in depth your world goes, how long have you been developing it?

Saluuuuuut :] It's been a year now I think? Went through several changes and even now I still change old culture stuff that don't fit anymore for my new clear vision 

I don't plan on stopping I'd love to have a wiki with absurdly deep rabbit holes in every niche subjects!! but first I'd need to Learn how to code

Tu parles fançais? Also a year is surprisingly short compared to what I'd imagined whew! I guess for me it's cus I usually let stuff get old and marinate and don't actively add a  bunch of things at once, but tbh maybe I should start doing that

Also that'd be awesome, I'd read the shit out of it lol. Maybe you could make a neocities site? They have coding tutorials for HTML and CSS and it's entirely customizable!

(oui hahaha) and thank you! and yeah ive got a neocities account i plan to host it there once i learn HTML, I've done their basic tutorial already I've just got to get motivated to learn more and also being hyper-fixated on my own world helps with having constant ideas and wanting to expand on it non stop lol

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