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Saluuuuuut :] It's been a year now I think? Went through several changes and even now I still change old culture stuff that don't fit anymore for my new clear vision 

I don't plan on stopping I'd love to have a wiki with absurdly deep rabbit holes in every niche subjects!! but first I'd need to Learn how to code

Tu parles fançais? Also a year is surprisingly short compared to what I'd imagined whew! I guess for me it's cus I usually let stuff get old and marinate and don't actively add a  bunch of things at once, but tbh maybe I should start doing that

Also that'd be awesome, I'd read the shit out of it lol. Maybe you could make a neocities site? They have coding tutorials for HTML and CSS and it's entirely customizable!

(oui hahaha) and thank you! and yeah ive got a neocities account i plan to host it there once i learn HTML, I've done their basic tutorial already I've just got to get motivated to learn more and also being hyper-fixated on my own world helps with having constant ideas and wanting to expand on it non stop lol

(mdrrr c'est rare ça) en vrai je comprends 100% j'ai envie de faire un neocities mais j'ai la fleeeeeemme.. faut que je m'y mette.. perso j'ai mes OCs principaux depuis que j'ai 12 ans et ils sont toujours dans le fin fond de ma tête, ils se développent tout seuls comme un cookie clicker mais faudrait que je le fasse activement aussi

J'espère que tu y arriveras un jour!! j'adore voir la créativité sans limites des gens avec leurs ocs

Mais du coup qu'est-ce qui t'a inspiré pour ton univers ? Je trouve ça extrêmement cool mais c'est pas souvent que je vois des trucs niches comme ça (je dis ça de façon méliorative) 

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