Comments on Trick or Treat 2023 All Comments

A little ray of sunshine wanders up to your doors, beautifully dressed up as a detective from the 1800's, dragging two behind her, a grey haired witch with a cat familiar hiding between his scruffy hair and pointed hat, his costume looks home made and a purple haired boy that your not quiet sure if they actually bothered dressing up or if they usually went around in jumpers with paws and ears on the hoodie, they're already snacking on treats they brought from home.

Lee knocks happily in a little tune against your door and hops on the spot as she waits. 

"Trick or Treat!"

They chime horribly out of sync, Chompers only mumbling it past their half eaten candy bar as Lee nudged him gently.

Dustbrush nods his approval, as if their chant were a performance. "Splendid!" He passes candy to the trio, followed by gentle clapping as if applauding their costumes.

//ooc: you got a trick - a 5 minute doodle of one of your characters! let me know if you prefer something else, or if you have a specific oc you'd like to have drawn!

Lee smiled happily as Calypso's familiar glanced off slightly as he smiled sheepishly at the complements. Chompers mostly just stared at the praise.


Awesome! >u<! Could I have a doodle of my man Zorc please?
Thankyou so much!!! >u<! Sorry for the late reply <3