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(Excuse my poor english, its not my main language 😭)
I put the css on my profile for a moment and I could notice this detail, isn't that your pfp from your main account? It's not a big deal for me btw, I love the css sm!!

Haha! I completely forgot about that icon and how it behaved! I had it for so long on my profile page, I thought it was there, but I guess it isn't meant to be there. I'll see about updating the code to remove it. Looks like that area will inevitably remain icon-less since technically that area has no icon in the first place.

Thank you so spotting it for me. ^^


Instead of removing it, I decided to change it to the default icon that is used when a user doesn't put their avatar, haha.

i think its better that way (the default icon), it feels more natural!! good luck with that!! <3

Al parecer, tambien tengo que cambiar la apariencia del cuadro del comentario cuando la configuracion del WYSIWYG esta deactivado por completo. No pense que eso iba tener otro effecto.

3 Replies