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Feel free to copy and paste your HTML code into a notepad file and upload it to so I can check it out.

For the most part, pasting the code completely blank on new lines should render properly, as shown on my main page for now. So something must've gone wrong in the HTML side or browser side of things for it to break like that.

Will do. I have the codes saved in a folder in notepad, though when I tried to move it to my it wouldnt work somehow? or is very borked like its trying to code onto it.

Possibly- because I was trying to figure out why the bar was so low. Unsure if I just pasted the widget incorrectly in a wrong spot or what. though even when I didnt add the widget the bar area was still low either way which I found it a little odd. couldnt figure out where in the code it borked. [but also unsure if its the blurp code or not.]

I was actually able to find a fix for it. Someone else also had the same issue and still had it up on their page. It turns out that as a CSS thing that I needed to fix, since it missed coding it in when the profile code took the whole width of the page instead of half. Hopefully a quick refresh and things work again. ^^

the bar part is definitally fixed for sure! ^^ the widget to add the lil decore part im unsure how to make it where its on one side of the DA profile page like it was shown instead of stretched out completely in the center top.

That setting is found in Profile CSS & Blurbs page, where you manage the content blocks. The HTML coded widgets are contained within the "Text" block, which you can shape for it to take up half the page or the full page by moving around the other blocks.