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It doesn't work for you ?
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(in any way shapes or form I'll grab it somehow dw (just not screenshots) )

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I'm unsure if I understand your issue correctly but, you need to have it as mp3/mp4 file on your device, as a file you downloaded, and then upload it to discord... or was it already what you were doing ?

That gif shows it 


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Hi np !

The link to your image doesn't work so I'm unsure what you're trying to do ? (since it seem to be on the right already) might you send another screenshot ?

I slved it!

hey hey! is there any way to make the box be gradient colors? :o

Hi ! Perhaps there is yes, but none that I know of yet sadly :(

AHHHh okok 3 darn!! Thank u somuch for the response tho!! :D

I cant get the actual song to attach to the code, when i try it ends up as 0:00 and the mp3 link doesnt work. My code:

I dont know why it wont send as an actual code but anyway..

You used a link to a comment/channel not to the file


the link you need to get should look like that (name of the file at the end + .mp3, not you adding it, it being like that when you copy it)



Thank you so much! And it solved it by using the dropbox method! :D, your code is amazing btw! It helps people put their favorite songs on their profiles ^’^

No problem ! And glad you're enjoying the code :) 👍

Thanks once again haha

I'm using this code 

<div align="right">
<div class="fixed-bottom">
<table style="width: 0%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 100%; text-align: center; background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; border-style: double;">
<span style="color: rgb(162, 255, 0); text-shadow: 0px 0px  15px;"><strong>Enter! Bowser Jr.</strong></span><br>
<audio controls="" style="opacity:0.99; border-radius:40px; background: rgb(255, 51, 0); padding:2px; width:300px; height:35px;">
<source src=""></audio>

 and no matter what I've tried when I press the audio play button nothing happens. it doesn't play, did I do something wrong?

I tested with a discord link and it works, so the code is fine, it's the link that's wrong.
I'm not super familiar with the google doc method (someone else contributed to explaining it) so I would suggest you to try another ?
I did tried to mess around with the google link a bit but it indeed doesn't seem to work.
Neither the one in the explaination actually, so the method might be broken overall but I need to verify.

yo it worked tysm! (i just have a hard time with discord  so i usually go with code options i'm used to but the discord one worked! thanks for explaining!)

Np glad it worked ! 808140918879813652.webp?size=80&quality=👍

Hiya !! recentlys used one of the music player code but for some reasons I cant get it to loop? ;w; despite i put the word loop in the audio controls code heres the screenshot w/ the code!

heya ! could you link me the page or past me the code as texte so I can check it better ? It's a bit tedious to re-writte it from screenshots...
(it's okay if u put the code here in comment and it turns into the player, i can grab the code from that)

The discord link looks wrong tho might be that ? you need to remove the part after the "?" like explained <here>
sometimes it causes issues.

oh yea ofc!

didnt realize my disc link got messed ups 😭

oh lol you got the same issue as someone else

it's <audio controls="" loop="" not <audio controls="loop"
(yeah i know it looks weird but it's the one that works ahah)

there you go

<div align="center">
<div class="progress" style="width:270px;border-radius:60px;">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" style="height:35px;background-color:rgb(182,21,83);">
<audio controls="" loop="" style="mix-blend-mode:screen;padding:5px;width:270px;height:35px;border-radius:60px;opacity:1;">
<source src="">

nice music btw cute

Thank yous !! :D

Hi, sorry to bother but the code doesn't seem to work.. And I don't know why, mostly because up until now every single one of them worked perfectly without any issue. I haven't touched the codes since.. I haven't deleted my drive uploads either..i haven't changed my phone.. But all the sudden they are unable to play the music. Neither of them. My codes worked perfectly fine up until now, nothing has changed.. So what happened?

I can't play it.. But I checked and if a not logged in person clicks on the music it still works fine?.. 

can you link me to the page with the code or give me the code ?


well, I went to check around if the code were in an easy place to find like 'main ocs' and sure they were
The "Rodney' one doesn't play for me either, but the "Eric" one does.
I see both have google url, someone else had issue with the google drive method recently, they ended up using another hosting method so it wasn't really resolved...
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the code, it's the files url that have an issue somehow

That's strange.. What other hosting sites are there? I can't use discord and I don't have a dropbox.. I don't know why the drive is acting up, it worked without an issue up until now. It's just broke all the sudden..

For me non of the songs play. Not even Eric's voice. Why is that? It works for others but not for me. 

What does it depends on in your opinion? 

All the options I'm aware of are listed here , can't really recomand you any others, there probably is some I just don't have tutorial/explaination for it.

I'm not a profesional coder or anything so I'm not sure at all
But since it's google, i would assume it have to do with access rights to the files...? maybe country location ? vpn ?
whatever the issue is would come from google refusing to load the file from certain ip or something ?

other possibility would be a specific setting on your TH account ? privacy or censor maybe ?

would need to test with more person and circumstances to tell
like, try on a phone/lapopt, loged in/out, others persons account, using a vpn, etc.

One question : does the player on the tutorial page work for you ? or the one on my profil ?

But if a vpn or location or anything like that.. Then why did it worked perfectly up until now? I haven't changed any setting on th either. 

The one on the tutorial page works without an issue. And if a not logged in person checks the sounds then it works too. Most of them. 

7 Replies