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Hiya !! recentlys used one of the music player code but for some reasons I cant get it to loop? ;w; despite i put the word loop in the audio controls code heres the screenshot w/ the code!

heya ! could you link me the page or past me the code as texte so I can check it better ? It's a bit tedious to re-writte it from screenshots...
(it's okay if u put the code here in comment and it turns into the player, i can grab the code from that)

The discord link looks wrong tho might be that ? you need to remove the part after the "?" like explained <here>
sometimes it causes issues.

oh yea ofc!

didnt realize my disc link got messed ups 😭

oh lol you got the same issue as someone else

it's <audio controls="" loop="" not <audio controls="loop"
(yeah i know it looks weird but it's the one that works ahah)

there you go

<div align="center">
<div class="progress" style="width:270px;border-radius:60px;">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated" style="height:35px;background-color:rgb(182,21,83);">
<audio controls="" loop="" style="mix-blend-mode:screen;padding:5px;width:270px;height:35px;border-radius:60px;opacity:1;">
<source src="">

nice music btw cute

Thank yous !! :D