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I have 3 absolute main ocs! One of which i consider 'the one' based on how important to the story they are, this will be kinda long but I'll break down mine!

1. Inari i made her back in 2016 while i was getting my first college degree! She's very special to me, i based her on the rainbow effect of a prism when it splits a beam of light! She definitely gets the most attention since she reflects myself the most!

2. Orion he was made back in 2022, and honestly he was a spur of the moment idea! I was sitting with my friend watching a random lets play and seen a chimera on the screen, and my lizard brain decided i wanted to make a unique looking chimera!

3. And last but certainly not least, my stories main protagonist (shocking its not inari uwu lol) but Nicor actually started out as a joke dnd character back in 2021, a stereotypical evil bunny nothing too deep. Then i started actually trying to develop his story, and i ended up giving him the center role in my entire story!

I guess from all this, what determines a characters value to me, is the place they take in my story, its the reason i have my th folders organized the way they are! All these characters are (by comparison to the characters I've adopted) pretty simple when boiled down to basic design, and all follow an intentional common theme, white fur, 1 yellow eye >w< 

QwQ although i have never had issues with being attached to characters- so its a bit hard for me to understand when people lose interest in a character, not that its bad, but just something my lizard brain cant comprehend qwq so i hope my post helped a bit, even if i can't fully understand the struggle your facing!

Ooooh i also have lil mascots that go with each of my main 3!

Inari has Prism and Quartz

Orion has Nico

Nicor has Void

These all are simple lil critters i felt are ez to draw and i would DIE TO HAVE PLUSHIES OF EEEEEEE (lol qwq one day maybe)