Comments on Delay notice; talking about my life All Comments

31, we’ve never personally spoken but I’ve always admired your creativity and artwork. I can see how much Albus means to you and I can feel the heart and feelings you’ve put into him personally. Knowing deep down you are struggling makes me wish I could help alleviate that pain even if through a bit of words.

You are not alone, and please, don’t feel afraid to reach out and speak about what you’re struggling with. My partner also went through the same pain with her father last year, and it broke my heart to see her close herself off because she was afraid of speaking about her thoughts and feelings. Cancer is a monstrous thing, and I understand how much it must hurt to see it consume someone you love deeply.

Please don’t be so hard on yourself. I forgive you, and I’ll always be okay with hearing your struggles. If you ever need someone to vent to or talk to, my DMs will always be open. This is a struggle nobody deserves to face alone. If it would also help, I also play FFXIV and can always spend time with you in-game as well. My partner was comforted a lot when we AFKed together, next to each other. No matter what, I and others will be around if you ever need us.

I’m wishing you happiness. You are much stronger than you realize.

Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I'm happy that you like my ffxiv character, I like your little potato a lot too. I don't afk in the game because my desktop is quite old and loud, and my room is very small so it is incredibly difficult to ignore, but I appreciate you offering to spend that kind of time with me.