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Howdy there! ^^ I've been trying to research art, animation, character design, story telling/writing, etc. etc. and I was wondering if you are self-taught in animation, art, character design, and story telling/writing or if you learned from someplace else? I'm sorry if this question makes you uncomfortable!! (I'm not really sure what the etiquette is for this situation. I live deep under a rock ahah) I'm self-taught in these areas (the things I listed earlier) and I've hit sort of a wall, I'm not really sure what else to do to teach myself and I was basically wondering if you had any resources when you were learning these things (again I'm sorry if this come across creepy or something ><)

Hi! I'm majorly self taught by creating and also consuming media non stop haha, been drawing daily for a decade now working with art fulltime all day everyday, I have done a few online courses (like creatureartteacher) and other youtube tutorials to try and help learn more about animation! Stories have always been an interest/part of my art hobby and i think its come from watching so much animated content! However i can recommend looking around on yt for movie breakdowns and analyses to learn about storytelling, character building etc!