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yessss !! it was actually set in the 80s!! it was so much fun. we performed in bars! it was actually my first professional show bc i was actually paid for it!
ohh that sounds super neat!! i'll have to check it out ! 

oh man, the first show i did in college- it wasn't *at* my college but i was *in* college and it was with some peers of mine and a few other people, it was an all trans/gnc cast of the two gentlemen of verona. students can and should do self-produced shakespeare!! it's fun!! it's free!! 

our orsino was so fun, he was basically a himbo. i mean, he wasn't buff, so really he was just a nice dumb dude, and we love it.
with shakespeare i like to keep myself open to anything, i was only cast as malvolio because their original had to drop LOL. i didnt even audition, but it was a bunch of my friends and they asked me to join. but i do love orsino!! 

80s is even more fun and i love theater in kind of unconventional spaces, that's so cool! was the experience of being in a professional show different from any of the other stuff you've done? 

aaa all trans/gnc shakespeare really is the dream! I'd love to put something like that together, but unfortunately I graduate in the winter and my school has gone remote (for the best really) so my undergrad theater journey has come to an end :^( I did get to be in a play with a majority trans cast and a tiny excerpt of 12th night in it so I count it as a win lmao

Orsino should be a himbo! Also I strongly believe orsino should be a bear because its in the root of his name, its just what he deserves. That's awesome that you got pulled in like that! are there any other shakespeare plays you'd like to be in?

it was honestly less professional than like, a lot of stuff i've done, but i got paid for it, so it really wasn't much different! it of course wasn't much because it was a small company, and we basically did all our own costumes and stuff, and there was literally no set. but it was fun!!

i hope you have more opportunities in the future! maybe community theatre? if you don't plan on making this your career! 

oh my god yes i wish he was a bear. but our orsino was just so good and funny. we will forgive him for not being a bear. 

I love a ton of shakespeare plays! one day i really want to play Horatio because that's one of my middle names!! i suppose i have, a little, because i was in a shakespeare class and i did a scene where i played horatio, and a friend of mine was hamlet, and it was great !!

honestly, found space theater plus doing your own costumes is the best because its so accessible for all parties involved and it helps combat some of the nasty elitism in theater, when really theater is such a cool public form of storytelling! Sounds like your show slapped!!

Thanks, me too! I'm a writing/literature major so a career is not in the cards for me, but I've thought about getting my masters in dramaturgy, though that probably won't be for a while.

aaa Horatio is so good, playing characters you share a name w/ is such a power move. I hope you get a chance to play him for a full show in the future! Have you by chance played a game called Elsinore? It's a time loop game where you play as Ophelia trying to prevent everyone from dying, and their interpretation of Horatio is really cool :0