Comments on (eo) sugar cookie All Comments

Hi there! You may be receiving this ping because you favorited this character that is for sale.

If you're not interested, no hard feelings, and I apologize if I've already tagged you in relation to this character.  I'm also sorry if you dislike receiving pings in general! I don't have much time/energy to read through everyone's rules. I hardly ever tag favorites lists, but if you don't want to be bothered in the future, please let me know! (Please keep in mind that if you change your username, I won't be able to recognize you, I'm sorry if this becomes an issue in the future.)  

I appreciate your attention nonetheless!

This character is FOR FULL RESALE! ^x^ I am willing to haggle.

PING: MissMagnhild SC0UT roygbiv lionlessart fruitybats_ dreamiichu draqoni biker NekoAlexis BirdyMery BadpumpkinDog Rinn_ey Caffeinefizz Wingswithowl MUGWUMP Nefritis haydenya LunarLightsNeon TRANS4TRANS Mumbles_Pear Oxytail QTigress innocenceTM SoleilAurelia mocabun Bubble-Loo CherryPounce ZeroAri Grimmsnarl_Gaymer cursivewerewolf
