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Of course! I don't mind if it takes a few days or weeks, I don't want to push yourself and it's totally fine if you decline `v´

For customs, I work faster if you let me use symmetric bases. It doesn't mean they will be symmetric, it's just the pose will be less dynamic. I'm also up to do less rendered customs (Example 1 | Example 2), meaning I can do maybe 4-6 in total...? I'm not very good with color palettes and clothing, so if you give me some prompts (i. e. visual references of clothing, eye shape, moodboards)

AAA REALLY QvQ That'd be so good! I'll also send you sketches if I happen to draw some of your characters, I also prefer to sketch them first to make sure they fit the style, that's a good idea! About the fish doodle, I'm up for all kind of offers. €/USD is usually a priority but I don't mind mixed offers or trades! I didn't mention them because they're still tent, but I'll let you know if I'm 100% sure I want to part ways with them if that's ok with you 🙏🙏

So sorry to have kept you waiting for so long!! 😭 I thought about it and I’m not willing to part with Niko or Laius for now sadly, but I doodled these of Alyx and the fish guy in that time, which you’re free to keep ofc! And on that topic for the fish dude I can offer 20 usd or a rendered fullbody in art, I know you’re tent on them so feel free to take all the time you need to consider!
Thank you for your patience and sorry that I ended up not wanting to trade 🙇

HELLO AGAIN, FuuMiku, long time to see!! It's been nearly half a year and I wanted to make sure I had some free time to send a proper answer. I saw the drawings not too long ago and I jumped, then I saw them again now and I'm jumping again. I still can't believe these drawings exist, I'm SOSOOSOOSOO happy... I love your style SO much and having the chance to see your traditional art has me in shambles but in a very positive way... Please let me draw something back even if it's just a sketch TvT

I totally understand you don't want to part ways with them, by the way! Both designs are AMAZING and they suit you a lot `v´ I'll definitely keep your offer in mind as well!! If I let it go I'll do your offer for sure (unless you're not interested anymore, of course), so all I have left is to check again if there is a place for this character on the stories my friends have. Otherwise, I refuse to let it collect even more dust when I know you will take good care of them... Again, thank you SO much, I'll treasure these sketches with all my might and love... Let me know if you don't want me to post these on their accounts, I'd love others to see these, they're beautiful TvT!!

Ohh hello hello! Thank you so much for the nice words, I’m glad you like them! I love your art too so it means a lot, I’d be super happy if you draw anything at all for me! :D Feel free to browse for anyone to draw… Those tagged artfight are the guys I look for art of the most, but I’d love to see your takes on Laius/Evhen and Niko, or if you want other picks Simon, Miquella or Meli-Melo~ Don’t feel like you have to though!! I definitely won’t say no if you want to though haha. Oh and feel free to post my sketches on their profiles yes!

I’m still interested buut I’m on a tighter budget nowadays and currency conversion rates have gone worse, I’d like to lower to $15-10 if you still think that’s fair… I understand if not or if your friends find a use for them. Ty for replying and for your time in any case!!