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Unfortunately both ko-fi and paypal are giving me errors when I attempt to pay :( I'm not sure what's going on but I'll wait a bit and try again in another couple hours or so maybe and see if it decides to work?

ahh I'm sorry I just messed up my paypal account...I'm doing my best to save it ;;...I can give you this gacha first if you want and you can pay after I fix the error!

You're totally okay! :) if you would like to go ahead and at least roll for the gatcha I'd be cool with that, but there's no need to send me whatever character I roll until after you receive payment. <3 I'm in no hurry and I hope you can get everything sorted ok!

Thanks.. ;; I think this time it would be fine!: paypal

It worked! Payment is sent :)

Got! Thank you so much! You got 4,accept or reroll ?o(`ω´ )o

1 Replies