Comments on StormyStarlight All Comments

Heya Stormy, I was just wondering if you could possibly ping whenever you have an invite code available? It's just for a user on Amino I wanted to help out, since they were looking for one, so I'd be more than appreciate! <3

Also super sorry if I'm bothering you in anyway with this request! ^^

you aren't bothering me at all!! i have one now, here you go! ^^ frkG4hioUg

Heya Stormy, super sorry for the belated reply butI happened to go on vacation and had little to no internet connection, either way the point is thank you for providing said user with a code, I believe they should've used it by now but they never really got back to me about it. If it's not too much trouble, could I possibly have another one for another user? I hope again I'm not bothering, I'm just trying to give out codes to others as much as I can and since I know you happened to do that I'd get them through you, but I won't ask you all the time and this is gonna be the last time I'm gonna reach out to you for codes in awhile. ^^

you're totally fine!! here's another—and don't be afraid to ask for more if needed, i don't mind at all ^^
