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How would I go about obtaining one of these goobies?

( such as links to info on how )

hi! we hold monthly MYO slot sales where you can purchase slots (common for $15 and uncommon for $25, as well as periodical rare slot sales which sell for $35!)! purchasing adopts is also an option, these also typically go up monthly and vary in format (but most are typically flatsale raffles!) we also release adopt batches specifically for first-time owners, so that's also something worth keeping an eye out for!
all slot sales and adopts are announced in our discord, i recommend joining if you want to be kept up to date! :D there is also a dedicated channel in the discord for seeking mignyans for trade!

i'd also like to add on that you can participate in group prompts (using NPCs or other people's mignyans if they offer them) to earn prompt points, which you can use to purchase MYO slots (as well as trait upgrades and other items) in the prompt point shop! ^_^ there's also the monthly draw this mig event in the discord, which typically awards a design for the winner :D