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wowow sure thing! could you use ic for the headshot and the character in my post for the fullbody? ^^

absolutely!! just to make sure for the headshot it’s the character you’ve lined in the comment?

yup! take as much time as you need!

okay tysm!!

hii!! i’ve almost finished the art, how would you like me to get it to you?

hihi! feel free to just post it here or you can submit an image and add it to their galleries through their IDs, either works! :3

okay tysm!!

WOWOOWOW!! thank you so much, your style is so cool!! ^^ i can send over jackolyn now or when youre done with the fullbody?

hiii so sorry for the late reply, im so glad you liked it, i’ll upload the fullbody in a couple hours!! i’m fine with waiting for the transfer once i’ve finished the art!!

4 Replies