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You are so absolutely welcome, and welcome back to the Fandom. We are thankfully a little.. calmer than we used to be so I'm sure it'll all be nice :3, don't be a stranger I'd love to see more!~

Aww TYSM!! :DD I've been very on and off with MLP admittedly lol, but I'm glad that I decided to get back into it :D

TYSM for the favorites on the rest of my ponies too omg!! I'll go ahead n favorite all of your bbs as well ❤️❤️

You are so sweet   welcome back and I hope my warm welcome can keep you around for a long time!~ After all, we don't need to get involved to deeply to enjoy something, so long as you have a passion and a desire to enjoy it then who's to stop you hmm?~

Thank you again, you are always welcome here to talk!

Exactly! ✨ So far the fandom has been extremely accepting/kind already! I've offered on a few ponies and have done art for some really lovely people!! So much nicer than some of the other people on this website I'll say that much lol ^^

And of course!! You seem lovely to talk to! :D 💖

That's the case regardless of where you go.. there's always 'those' people.. >.> horrible people but you can thankfully just block them, move on and find the better ones!~ I've only been here for a month but have already found so many amazing people, nearly the same amount as I have after spending.. 8 years trying to network on Twitter. I wish I had found this place sooner!

You as well   

Oh absolutely!! I'm so glad that you have been welcomed with open arms here!! I've been on this site for.. a good few years now lol, it's pretty hectic but by God is it better than Twitter, couldn't pay me enough to make an account for that site haha, th is essentially the only social media I have lol

52 Replies