Comments on Image #22019621 All Comments

Could I offer linearts for this oc?

Yeah sure!

How much art would you like?

(Sadly I can only offer lineart pieces)

Could you do a fullbody of my fursona?

Sure thing!! (Sorry for the late reply)

Sorry that I never got to do the art, my line has been a real rollercoaster of pain recently. But I'm able to do it now, if you're still ok with the offer that is. And if it's ok, in which image should I base myself to do the art?

That's alright, you can do it of my fursona like we agreed to before

Is there any social media in which I can send you updates? (I have a sketch, but I don't know if you'd  like it)

I have a lot of different social media accounts, I'm most active on Deviantart and Instagram Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with school.

1 Replies