Comments on Image #22019621 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

How much art would you like?

(Sadly I can only offer lineart pieces)

Could you do a fullbody of my fursona?

Sure thing!! (Sorry for the late reply)

Sorry that I never got to do the art, my line has been a real rollercoaster of pain recently. But I'm able to do it now, if you're still ok with the offer that is. And if it's ok, in which image should I base myself to do the art?

That's alright, you can do it of my fursona like we agreed to before

Is there any social media in which I can send you updates? (I have a sketch, but I don't know if you'd  like it)

I have a lot of different social media accounts, I'm most active on Deviantart and Instagram Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with school.

No worries, sorry for the late reply from my part also