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some of my old characters had some pretty confusing lore... i haven’t uploaded them here (and porbably won’t ever, they’re old and confusing), but explaining the intricacies of it is always fun, haha. the story sounds quite interesting though! i love stories that have monsters and alternate worlds in them, so that's pretty cool. nameless’ design is really cool too! you have sooo much art for him, i wish i could draw that much for even one character!

as for my guys’ stories, it’s still kinda in the works. i made cygnet with the intention of putting them in some sort of game, but i doubt that will ever happen, unfortunately. the main plot for that game would be related to helping out some sort of deity i think (pretty sure her name was quid, i have some sketches of her but i don’t know where they are right now...). another idea was that they were all made in some sort of strange experiment in an effort to either protect the world or take it over completely, i forget. cygnet was sort of a test model, then gosling was a more refined model. 8 others were made in that same chunk of the experiment, but i only remember 3 of them... they were all given abilities unique to them, powered by the orbs in their tails. for example, eaglet can swim and duckling can fly! skeet was made later, definitely with some malevolent intentions, but she joined the other guys, for better or for worse. 

apparently they canonically share a world with the guys in this folder, i guess because Other Guy looks similar design-wise. i think he’s cygnet’s brother? not totally sure though. their stories don’t intertwine however, they just know each other.

as for the art, there’s no real meaning behind it. i just really like to sketch these guys a lot. kinda hard to see, but cygnet is crawling in to say hi, in the game idea that was meant to be a sort of character swap, so like while the main guy is out exploring and uncovering dark secrets, the rest of them are just chilling in a temporary base. gosling has fancy tastes though, so he brings a hammock everywhere.

thanks for asking about them! definitely gonna spend some more time reading about your stories!

oh I feel the making characters for a game part haha
I made most of mine for a tv show format and it goes to show XD

also I love the story concepts you came up with and the concept of them getting their abilities from the orbs in their tails! 

sometimes i have more fun if i make characters with a medium other than just writing in mind! mostly video games though because i play so many. 

that's so valid lol