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helloo :o) so sorry for the ping

just an update, an event HAS started if you want to participate

its also a good time to get your character(s) all done! rps can start at any time ^___^ I can help with prompts if you'd like

thank you!

I just wanted to ask, is there just a limit to just two ocs to be added? I tried to submit 3, Genkei, Junko, and Genkei's twin, Suki, but Suki got rejected. 

And how far does the uniform alterations go? Like could they go with a more poofy skirt as long as it resembles the original, or?

hi!! there is no limit on character submission, im not quite sure what happened but go ahead and resubmit suki and ill get them sorted :o)

also, yes! as long as it resembles the base uniforms, with the school colors and logo on the vest, then any alterations are alright ^__^