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Hello!! This character is really cute!! I feel like they would work in a story with the oc linked above, heres the bio I had in mind for them :3

Name: Jinx! Implied to be a stage name, as many clowns have in this universe, though theirs are not confirmed at all!

Age: young adult, somewhere are 18 ish? I may make them younger it depends

Pronouns: They/She!

Species: Seal monster!

Personality: Jinx is a mischievous seal like monster that runs with the circus, implied to be very talented - very much more than the oc linked above!(Trix) The cutesy personality is nothing more than a sort of mask Jinx hides behind in order to be more well liked - in reality she is extremely rude and bratty as well as being incredibly self absorbed. She isn’t a bad person though, she just heavily relies on the eyes of her audience to make her feel “seen” in way, they rely heavily on their talent and praise they receive for it, her boasting makes up for her deep insecurities.

Abilities: Hammer space as well cartoon logic, particularly slapstick! You know how in tom and jerry they can pull out massive hammers and wack someone with it, yet they’ll be completely fine in the next scene? That’s basically it!! Jinx is Jerry in the scenario :] She can also maintain a perfect balance on her ball (think james baxter from adventure time) and can walk on her hands, as well as performing acrobatics! However, like her name - she carries bad luck! Except not with her per say, she is able to deflect all that bad luck onto people around her, mainly being Trix when he was still at the circus!

Also off topic but I feel like her diet primarily consists of fish shaped crackers and popcorn :3 I would use them for Undertale and Undertale Yellow if I got them!! Ty for the opportunity!!

I like this desc! :D It's so interesting, I'll definitely check it from time to time to see if there's anything new on her profile! :D It's been a long time since I was so sure that my design would find such great home! ^^ Yours!

TYSMM!!! <333 I promise to take great care of her!! I plan on coding a bio and making a sprite for her once I have some free time!!!