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Hi there! :D This design is very rad and they’d definitely fit in with a few of my other creatures^^ 

 I feel like I could maybe use them in world/story which has a tropical island and a large mainland consisting of swamps, deserts, and plains! They’d live in a desolate beach by a mountain range. Or honestly if I don’t add them there, they’d probably added to a different world, because I’ve been thinking of making a different one just with monsters/creatures, but island/mainland is what I’d use them for if I got them! :> they look like a ton of fun and fluffy critter and spiky bits are one of my favorite combos to draw ^^

My first thought was having them doing something with pearls! I can see them as  maybe a pearl collector/maker, where they eat sand using the hand mouths and keep it there until it’s done. The eye shaped pearls are ones of wisdom, and they mimic the ones on its tongue and insides. But occasionally they create others! The eyes on their tongue and one pearls aren’t able to see, but they can feel- this helps them cause their vision is a bit finicky. 

They would almost always have a smile on their face, and would be a bit cocky and rather arrogant, but not like they’re a total jerk. they’re rather isolated, have lots of pride in what they’re able to do. So that’s what sorta fuels the arrogance xd They also take great pride in themselves. Especially so with  their fur and while waiting for the pearls, they groom Themselves for hours on end. And it’s probably one of their favorite activities too! As for friends/relationships, I think they’d maybe be super cool with my charas Yuuma (limestone critter) and Edrea (eastern dragon with metal teeth) and possibly enemies with Nekraphim lol (long lanky dragon with a floating eye) 

Thank you for the chance! :D