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I would definitely use them 🌟 I would use them for as in antagonist for my story Take Route Rainbow, they would part of the Loner Clan and would commonly be in his cave, until he wants to come out to stole from other clans. He's wanted for many crimes he has committed from most of the clans.

Future info:

Name: Red-stones

Gender: Male

Species: ??? (he's a unknown mix breed)

Sexuality: Pan-sexual/Homo

Relationship: Single

Parents: ??? (Both has died in the past)

Sibling(s): None

Power skills: Lava, climbing, swimming, hiding, etc

Hobbies: Steeling, hunting for sport, shining his claws, training, working on his hiding skills, keeping himself clean, etc

Lore: He was born a puppy that got lost one day and wounded into Red Clan, a clan member found him and raised him until he earned to be touched by "The Red Crystal Shard" to finally get his earned powers to he worked off for years. Once he touched the crystal shard, it showed his now forever form of red. He then turned into a monster, everyone was terrified of his looks, he then rans away from the clan into a far away from Red Clan.

 After learning about himself and accepting who he was, he named himself Red-stones. He then stared getting use to living alone. But anytime he left the crave, he would train himself to become a better clan leader then any other clan leader. He would train by hiding, running, climbing, and even swimming. He hunts smalls things mostly from the ocean. He eventually learned that he could touch lava and then used that with his advantage. To his surprise, he actually likes cooking with the lava and made a border around his crave so no one would want to came to his territory. 

But if anyone tried to came into his crave, he placed traps inside and outside his territory. Because he lived fairly close to the lava mountains, many animals don't wanna go near his area. One day Red-stones met with Blood-moon and made a deal with him. All Red-stones wants is to finally be normal, like he used to before touching to crystal shard. Blood-moon then tells Red-stones that he could help him with is issue for the soul. Red-stones then accepts his deal, but soon regrets his choices and is enslaved by Blood-moon and his orders at will, until he let's Red-stones free.

Extra info: Once the comics of my story on webtoons finally comes out, Red-stones would definitely be included as a well known villain, kinda like Swiper for Dora or James from Pokemon.