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Omggggg a cutie! They would def be friends with my character , and I imagine them to be a sneaky little fella that steals everyone’s stuffs. especially gold, cause i imagine their food would be metal (and golds their favourite cause, duh, wouldn’t gold taste the best? XD) idk where they would live really (the same with all my ocs tbh LMAO) but I bet they would hang around with Kirkr a lot! I also imagine they would love cold weather, swimming in icy pools n stuff, also adding ice to their gold meal heh. Even tho they look quite scary, they would actually be very nice! (Well, other than the fact they’ll steal everything in your house-) a very nice and good mannered thief XDD

so that’s abt it really, but I super duper love them and draw em a lot, the design is super cool and has a lot of potential!! Idk abt a name yet (naming is the hardest-) but it will be something very cool! Thanks for the chance, I hope they go to a good home if not me! <3

Oh I just realised kirkr has the same designer as them XD lol