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Ahh thank you so much, that means a lot!!

And yeah!!! Your Iterator designs have a bunch of really nice and complimenting colors, I especially think that Universal Remedies and Ten Bundles of Rye have really great and streamlined color palettes!!

AWHH THANK YOU SM!!! remedies was actually the one i was least confident in design-wise out of the drifting sapphire group so i'm super glad to hear that you like theirs!!!!

i do adore all of your iterators, though i'd have to say DAD and OST are my favourites with their cool and warm palettes respectively!! i definitely couldnt pick a favourite slugcat since theyre all so nice <3

Oh yeah!! I think that Remedies works really well, I'm usually not a huge fan of purple-on-green palettes, but the super muted dark purple really works with the design to help the green stand out even more against the pale offwhite and blues, it's a very good use of a more unique palette!

And THANK YOU!!! DAD and OST are two awesome designs, the designers really did a great job on each!!

AWWWWW i'm so glad!!!!! thank you so much again!!

and absolutely!! they really did :]