Comments on Some updates! (And good news!) All Comments

congratulations! stripes returning is definitely one load off the shoulders at the very least, and i hope it'll alleviate the stress even if only a little

i used to also have an issue with mental fatigue and motivation for responsibilities; my method was to set miniature milestones & goals for myself so that i could reward myself whenever i reached them. rewards like going out to eat or sitting down to watch an episode of my favorite tv shows (minor things in all honesty)

definitely wont work for everyone and i dont know if it will for you, but knowing that theres smth to look forward to around the corner is what keeps me going -- otherwise i will feel like im working for nothing

best of luck with everything

I should try that, that sounds very helpful! Im so used to working back to back that I keep forgetting to take breaks and reward myself with something 😭