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That's perfect~ I don't keep many ferals these days.

I'll make a small list shortly/send you the ref links and you can choose whichever 4 catch your eye~

Also, no problem at all about the queue! I have no problem waiting, even up to a couple months if needed. :>

Perfect, that sounds great! It likely won't be more than a couple weeks, but I'll keep you updated! I do owe 10 fulls right now :>

OKAY!!!! omg i'm sorry this took so damn long.

You can choose anyone here! I love your hazbin hotel style art, so I tried to pick some characters whose body type would fit. ; v ;

sorry for so many choices. ;v ;||||||

Sounds good, I can definitely do that! Hopefully it won't take too long, I do still have a decent amount owed but I'll try to be quick!

I've submitted 1/4, I'm sorry for the delay! I had some personal stuff happen and didn't have access to my drawing program, I'm catching up on everything now so I should be able to get to the other 3 soon <3

I have submitted all the images, hope you like them! <3