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"Welcome to the Clans, young warrior!"

You rolled....



- Mod Uridove

Pokémon 1: Sewaddle/Nuclear

Name: Lacepaw

Clan: Papayaclan

Pokémon 2: Wooper/Piñata

Name: Decupaw

Clan: Pechaclan

thank you! this was a tough choice i did not expect to like so many of my options...

Your Inventory has been set up!

(Though, please rename Decupaw as "Decu" is not a word ^^;)

If you ever notice anything incorrect, please contact me or another mod, and we'll fix it asap!

>You obtained x1 Basic Recruit!

>You obtained 1,000 PD!

And welcome to Silent Eclipse Redux!

- Mod rat ☽

thank you!

decupaw (which should be decoupaw, i missed the o whoops) is a pun on decoupage (or more specifically decoupeur, which literally translates from french as "to cut [into smaller pieces]"), because it's made of paper.

is that not okay? is decoupage-paw an allowed name? that doesn't flow as well but i'll take it if so.

your rules only say a pokemon name must end in "paw". if it must be a whole real word ending in "paw", you should update your rules to make that clear.

edit: i assumed this rule must come from warrior cats, so i went looking for a naming convention guide. i found this forum thread, which sadly is not a naming convention guide. but! it does list every canon name (cntrl+f All Names in the Books: ), from which conventions can be assumed. i looked through the "paw" names in that list and found they're mostly nouns (typically plant or animal species) or adjectives, but there are a handful of verbs.

decupage is both a noun (describing the technique and art created with it) or a verb (describing the act of creating decupage) so i think it fits on that metric but i don't know how strict you intend to be on following the example of canon. would the example of animal names follow into the pokemon universe as pokemon names? would magikarppaw be a canon-compliant name here? i don't want it, i'm just trying to understand the system.

i also found this discussion on suffix conventions, which doesn't help me but was interesting to read nontheless.

Hello! Welcome to Silent Eclipse Redux!
I will be answering your questions to the best of my abilities

When it comes to naming, we allow almost any and every word as long as it isn't offensive or made up, so Decoupaw and by extension Decoupagepaw are valid Clan names!

As for the "paw" part of the name, that is to signify that the character is an apprentice (In training) in one of our five Clans! And will change depending on their rank (So when Decoupaw is no longer an apprentice you will change "paw" to something else (i.e. Decouheart, Decouface, ect. Whatever you see fit when they rank up)

We do follow the Warrior Cats books for most of our setting, however SER is in its own world and therefore has its own rules, and we are more free with our naming conventions.

The reason as to why the canon names are the way they are is because the characters are cats! And therefore have limited knowledge, so it's very common to see characters named things like Fireheart, Bluefur, Rosetail, Tigerclaw, ect. As those are words and concepts that the Clans in the books are aware of, however like I said above we are very loose with naming, and you're free to use whatever you see fit for your characters names as long as it follows our community rules.

If you would like to ask more questions with a faster response, please feel free to join our Discord server!

-Mod Kip🥚

thank you for your thorough answer, i understand the naming system a lot better now.

i'll be sticking with Decoupaw. i had picked up that "paw" was the apprentice suffix, and that it would be replaced when the pokémon changed rank, i just wasn't sure to what.

considering this group advertises itself as open to those unfamiliar with warrior cats, it might be a good idea to add a page explaining the basics of naming, and what is expected of a name. or maybe add it to the clan status bulletin. it doesn't have to be much, only that the name is expected to be a real word before the suffix, and when and how that suffix would change.

unless you already have that somewhere and i missed it.

i have mons to ref. thanks again!