Comments on PSA - REDFLASHIER (tw: incest) All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Okay yo thats a bit crazy. Im just trying to have a normal talk about why I think that yes its weird and that I think incest IS a problem, why are artists not allowed to depict problematic things.

Also please let me know where the pedophilia is, genuinely. All I understood from those images is that the brothers were kissing (imo its weird) and that theres a kidnapping with weird stuff going on (also weird but again who am i to dictate what they draw. Could have been something kept in their files).

I was making a comparison because incest is equally as bad? are you dense? you also said in your own comment "Literally I feel like they should just be able to draw what they want as long as its not harming anyone, not showing actual pedophilia, ACTUAL incest, ect." basically you're letting people draw child porn, incest and it's okay because it's hidden from the public?

Thats not what i meant by that statement. I literally said that stuff should not be drawn. If they draw it and hide it its just as bad yo like thats disgusting 😭😭 i said “as long as its not”, that means that people should be able to draw things as long as its not those things yo, any of that is like vile man

that is not what you said, you said as long as it's NOT HARMING anyone, which ironically a lot of loli/shota lovers LOVE to say to excuse their reason to draw that artwork. Re evaluate your morals bro

This is gonna be my last reply to you because I just don’t want to keep going back and forth. We have similar views I just don’t think thats being shown here. Lolicons are gross first off and people who draw that are indeed hurting people and can continue to hurt people in the long run. When I mean people can draw things as long as its not hurting anyone I mean just normal things like you know. Just drawing an oc standing like people can just draw what they want as long as its not harmful 😭 there are of course circumstances to that, like you said thats an excuse a lot of lolicons use which is stupid. I know what my morals are and again I feel like we have a lot of the same ones since I’m agreeing with what you say on many things.

then i apologies for being rude, i think you need to heavily reword with what you've said to get your initial view across better ✌️have a better rest of your day

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