Comments on PSA - REDFLASHIER (tw: incest) All Comments

the dichotomy between redflashier trying to apologize and their mutuals / followers accusing you of saying things you didn't is wild like... can we get the story straight. is red sorry and trying to make up for the unsavoury depiction of taboo topics or have they actually done nothing wrong and everything is well

on the biblical names part: yes, I pointed it out first, but it wasn't because it was particularly upsetting or problematic - it just amused me given how sort of out of pocket it seemed, no one is saying you can't name your ocs after biblical characters... I was singling something I found perplexing out to izzy who's my friend 

uh……and I will also say sorry about this...

I think when I first saw this psa, I subjectively took the mistakes pointed out in the comments as part of my need to clarify.

Sorry for causing you and others unnecessary trouble.

edit: I mean just about name of Bible things(I'm sorry if there is any misunderstanding.)