Comments on PSA - REDFLASHIER (tw: incest) All Comments

A lot of things i wanted to say have already been said ( thank you ). i never said go harass red, or that you can't support him/still like his work under any circumstances. In fact red's bulletin has waay less comments and is entirely waaaay less hostile than this one has gotten towards literally everyone involved. I do think what he posted here as an apology should be posted on his main account instead of this chaotic bulletin, and i think people should decide on their own how they proceed. Defending him blindly and drawing random conclusions about me and what i (didn't even) say gets nobody anywhere. 

I made this because the art linked was pointed out to me privately and i didn't see anything at all about it on here. A lot of people, if that's not obvious by the replies in here, wouldn't want to follow or support him if they HAD known prior. I know i sure don't!

this is so fair, im so concerned for the people who blindly supported them still without really holding them accountable ?   im not about/for attacking people but so much stuff was misconstrued  from both sides (at least from what ive been reading? at least?) and i personally just Do Not Like when stuff is spreading and isnt clear + nobody is saying anything about it but at least to me this bulletin did Not come off as you saying oh go harass red or w/e, as a lot of people have bene saying it was clearly a warning to people like hey. they draw this, just letting you know! the people who are taking that and spinning it as a callout post or trying to get them cancelled or whatever are so strange to me (sorry if the shit isaid here made no sense in some spots)

im glad this was posted regardless for the fair warning and the free blocklist in the comments (/hj)

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I just want to say I appreciate you posting about this. You did this so that people in your circle and following would be warned, and it expanded much more than you thought. I'm sorry for the hate you are probably getting, and I hope that it calms down soon!