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Oh my hello!~
You are always so welcome, don't be a stranger if you ever wanted to talk and thank you for making your own neat characters!~   

Hi!! That's so sweet of you! Love your art by the way, do you do art trades by any chance?

Oh goodness, thank you!
I will in the future, that's for sure, but right now I am trying to get my feet on the ground after such a long fhiatus. Find myself a style for current me, get a soft sketchy style so to speak and then go from there! 

Ohh, I see! It's all good, I get it. And don't be afraid to do art that's more sketchy or 'messy', in my opition visible sketch lines are the proof that the drawing is well thought of and made by a real person with thought behind it! It's actually one of my favorite things in art recently. Good luck with your journey and feel free to reply/message me whenever you feel ready to trade art and [if you'll still be interested]! ^^

Ah.. hah.. hhhaaaaa.. Sketchy messy lines! yesss...

Sweats profusely as that's all he has right now
I kid of course, I do know what you mean! :3

It's better than nothing!!! Thank you for continuing to make art and not giving up [or using ai instead /3] :3

1 Replies