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what s your favorite fish...

IT CHANGES BUT I LOVE BLUE DIAMOND DISCUSES (is that the plural???) AND SUNFISHES (they are very stupid) 

SUNFISHES... I hadn't heard of blue diamond discuses, but I just looked them up and THEYRE SO PRETTY?? strange red eyes tho LMAO I have the dumbest fish favorites, kind of stereotypical (?) but I like beta fish (especially the ones with longer fins, or galaxy betas) and panda goldfish (they're so funny lookin)... and for not fish favorites (like sea creatures in general), I like sea angels, AAAND of course jelly fish,,, do you have any fish?

IKKR THEY ARE REALLY PRETTY!! I love betta fish too .. they are reaaally pretty😭😭 I LOVE JELLYFISH TOO!!! AND SEA ANGELS AHH I LOVE SEA CREATURES!!!! I currently dont have any fish cause I live in a dorm LMAO but I plan on keeping some in the future!!! ^0^

sea critters!!! I dont have any fish either because I dont think my parents would let me.. but I do have a relative who also loves fish and has like three tanks?? they're such pretty creatures, I could literally just watch them swim around for hours

so real... watching them float around is so therapeutic fr