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Thank you for the questions! Let's get into it:

Has he ever willingly shown his scars to anyone? If not yet, will he ever in the future?
> Not willingly, no. His best friend Brandy has seen his scars because she was the one who accompanied him to the hospital and stayed with him throughout a very difficult recovery. Kai saw his scars when Audemus was severely injured to the point of fainting back during their vigilante years. He had picked up on Audemus'... let's call it modesty? And so he intervened and cared for Audemus away from the rest of their party to preserve his privacy. It wasn't entirely altruistic, though. Kai thought he would be getting blackmail on Audemus... and he did, but he also opened up a whole can of worms. Since they've gotten married and been together for like 30 years, Audemus is more or less comfortable with nudity in Kai's presence, but he still prefers to keep his back covered as often as is realistically feasible for personal reasons.

This question is insanely random, but how is he with his students? Does he offer extra credit, and is he a tough grader or a more relaxed one?
> Audemus is a nightmare of a professor. He doesn't teach a lot of classes (being Didact leans more into administrative work) but the ones he does teach are notoriously difficult and he is harshly stringent in holding his students to the highest caliber. There's no incentive for him or any of the departments to go around giving out extra credit or to grade on a curve to pass people, because the university isn't beholden to any sort of graduation statistics (the school follows roughly in the style of medieval universities). You either learn the material and you learn it well, or you don't bother taking the class to begin with. In Audemus' own words: "I do not fail those who are not undeserving of failure."

Do any rumors surround him, considering he’s said to be intimidating and even a little bit mysterious?
> There is a rumor that he's a vampire that sustains himself on the nasty, congealed blood of corpses from the city morgues. Vampires are mere myths, of course... but he certainly looks and acts like one.

What made him decide to become the head of a subject at a university?
> In his teens Audemus demonstrated prodigal understanding of the subject of necromancy, as well as how to wield it. During his time as a student, the necromancy department at Theracarcus was heavily underdeveloped: unpopular both in terms of subject matter and in terms of perception (corpses just generally aren’t a pleasant sight, as you are well aware). With a small student body and limited classes, it was easy for Audemus to rise to notoriety in the upper echelon of necromantic academics at Theracarcus. Within a year or two he was singled out to be the apprentice of his predecessor—a man by the name of Ričards Øster—ostensibly to take up his position when the man grew too old to fulfill his duties. Audemus was ready and willing to take up the mantle when the time was right, but attended to personal affairs in the interim, leaving the university at the age of 20/21. Much happened between then and the point at which he eventually ascended as Didact at 34—too much to get into in one answer alone. Suffice to say that when the call was made, Audemus was ready to move on to a new, more prosperous stage in his life.

Do others ever seem to take notice of his reserved demeanor, or do they just perceive it as shyness?
> "Shy" is not a word that any but the bravest of souls would use to refer to Audemus. The man is stern, confident, and very outspoken when he deems the moment right. Most people tend to see him as reserved first and foremost, given how reticent he is to display outward signs of emotionality beyond irritation and anger. That being said, his truest friends know how much he genuinely dreads the many social responsibilities tied to his titles, and can identify his shyness for what it is. Basically, his ego and (intimidating) force of personality obscure any and all actual shyness.

What academic honors specifically does each golden chain he has represent?
> I'm so glad you asked! Here's all of Audemus' theses and the honors that they have awarded him (there should actually only be 7, I forgot I got rid of one of his superfluous honors):
- "MICRO-DOSING PYLE'S EYE FOR THE TREATMENT OF DELUSIONS IN THE INSANE & FEEBLE-MINDED" by Audemus Florenti Emilios, Virtue of Medicine (Psychiatry). [Age 16]
- "SUCCESSFUL ARCANO-MEDICAL NECROMANCY" by Audemus Florenti Emilios, Sage of Necromancy. [Age 19]
- [CLASSIFIED] "CLINICAL RESURRECTION" by Dr. Audemus Florenti Emilios, Commandant of Necromancy. [Age 33]
- [CLASSIFIED] "ADVANCED CLINICAL RESURRECTION" by Dr. Audemus Florenti Emilios, Didact of Necromancy. [Age 34]
- "ADVANCEMENT OF TRANSVERSE COLOSTOMY METHODS FOR PATIENT LONGEVITY" by Dr. Audemus Florenti Emilios, Commandant of Medicine (Surgery). [Age 40]

Whenever he feels upset, does he face his feelings headfirst or does he distract himself from them?
> He distracts himself from them, for sure. Audemus is not a 'feelings' sort of guy. He doesn't know how to handle his own emotions. So if something is upsetting him, he's likely to turn hostile towards whatever it is and to stew in his own rage and frustration.

In a modern world, would he own lawn flamingos (or just general cheesy lawn decorations)?
> God, no. I think he would sooner have his lawn paved over with concrete. 

What are some ways he expresses his feelings privately, such as journaling, art, etc if at all?
> He doesn't do any of those things. Remember that thing I said about being repressed? Yeah. He just... doesn't deal with shit. ...Outside from ranting to Kai and Brandy in private, that is.

Are there any situations or places where he doesn’t feel high-alert and at ease?
> Not sure I entirely understand. I think the last question in his Q&A sums this up. Namely, "being in his own carefully curated space—his immaculately designed villa—is enough to make him feel a genuine sense of safety and comfort that he cannot find anywhere else." i.e. he feels most at ease at home, and least on high-alert. He feels most on high-alert when outside of his villa, and that sensation is heightened further around strangers.