


2 months, 20 days ago


How are we to say we work the magic of humanoid biology when we lack a rudimentary understanding of it? Equal parts life and death, the study of life energy and death energy is interwoven and inextricable. You cannot say you are a master if you only see half the picture. There is more you can do.

Audemus Florenti Emilios

Didact of Necromancy


Ut spirare audemus, aureo floremus.
As we dare to breathe, we bloom golden.



doctor, lord, prior, didact




man [he/him]




late spring


6'2" [190cm]


lawful neutral


wizard [necromancer]


"In my experience most students at this school wouldn't be able to incinerate a mouse, let alone a fellow person. I teach classes about dead people. I would know."

Eerie, gaunt, intimidating, and yet still hauntingly beautiful at the age of nearly 60, Audemus' is a face that people do not easily forget. His height and demeanor have him placed above the heads of others: always as a figure to look up to, never on an equal playing-field. This does not make him an easy man to connect toā€”on the contrary, he is one of the most starkly unnaproachable people many claim to have ever encountered.

In terms of personality, Audemus makes no effort to counter-act his intimidating presence. He is an asocial man who rarely if ever seeks out interaction outside of necessity. That being said, he is not only the head of a major university department, but also co-leader of the school, and a congressional & feudal politician. He is a supremely public figure. This all adds up to an incredibly overworked, overstressed man, prickly in his anxiety.

Yet despite everything, Audemus' positive contributions to the field of medicine and necromancy cannot be overstated: he has transformed a superfluous art into something with both moral and purpose, as well as made significant strides in the field of medicine and surgery. His nature, though ever dour, yearns to heal.

By modern definitions, Audemus is a queer autistic man who struggles with depression and PTSD alongside his epilepsy. He has a supernatural predisposition for sleeplessness (alongside a supernatural means of continued survival in the face of it). But in exchange for all of that, he has a mind without parallel.



  • Audemus wears exclusively comfortable and soft materials, and pays a premium to have a custom wardrobe designed and tailored to fit his tastes exactly.
  • Although he has his ears pierced, he prefers only to wear light-weight earrings. His daily pair are black onyx studs.
  • He frequently wears ~4 rings total: 2 on one hand and 1-2 on the other. Two are marriage-related, one is his signet, and one is a gift from Oskar.
  • The necklace on his didact uniform has 8 colored beads, each representing a school of magic at the University. He has 8 golden chains over each shoulder, each representing an academic honor.
  • Feel free to message me if you want access to his full profile, including his backstory.




[ School of Medical Necromancy ] Necromancy is the science of the cosmic forces of life, death, and undeath. While some necromancers may choose to focus on the manipulation of life energy towards the purposes of death and reanimation, other necromancers follow a different path: focusing on the arcane study of life.












A 6'11" staff in alternating colors of black and ivory. A custom-commissioned enchantment, the fluid-like black structures on the top and bottom of the bone rod function as entrances to pocket dimensions, allowing the form and shape of the weapon to change at will.


  • Audemus' initial inspirations were Havelock Vetinari [Discworld] and Sweeney Todd, both characters from media that I have not personally consumed and know fundamentally very little about. Later inspirations were Victoro di Terzo (owned by CoupleOfKooks) and to some extent, Dream of the Endless [Sandman].
  • In terms of life, story, capabilities and personality I also drew inspiration from people like prodigious savant Daniel Tammet, Project Semicolon founder Amy Bluel, and my own (autistic) sister for this character.
  • Audemus would be allosexual, demiromantic, and gay in modern terminology.
  • Audemus has scars on his arms, covering his entire back and shoulders, and on his stomach and upper legs. When comfortable, he may roll up his sleeves. Otherwise, he absolutely always keeps himself covered up. The scars whose origins are self-evident are ones he has made his peace with. The others... not even remotely.
  • Audemus does not talk about his backstory. He does not talk about anything, ever. Never has there been a more repressed man than this one right here.
  • His favorite color is blue, his favorite animals are flamingos, and he can't stand Lowtown theatre productions.

Shadow Moses - Choir Noir

Kai Emilios

Husband. The two have a very atypical relationship based on respect, sex, and consentual violence (instead of frivolities like love). Has a mind that almost parallels Audemus'. See Links for more detail on character relationships!

Oskar Azkanhalyan

Nephew. Official ward of the Emilios household, Oskar has lived under Audemus' roof since he was 16 years old. Audemus has a growing paternalistic relationship with him, though it is one Audemus internally denies.

Atalie Azkanhalyan

Niece. Unofficial ward of the Emilios household, Atalie also lives under Audemus' roof. Audemus and Atalie maintain a rather antagonistic relationship towards each other.

code by Leporidebug