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HEY DUDE!! Your characters are awesome. Would you mind if we could do a little trade? (yes, I'd possibly put Bucky in there depending on how much I like the trade)

Uhm I guess not, I'm not trading my nekoi, tangy, or anyone with a crown in their name tho (those are forever homed)

And niice has may taken ;v;

yep! Ik I read the thing on your page.

Alright then. I was thinking about trading Bucky so you can still offer on them if you like (since you seemed interested at first).

Ah I do really like bucky :0

Do I have any characters that interest you without crown emojis or no? XD

One I'm 100% sure I'm not getting but they don't have a crown but they're still worth a lot and they're one of the sushidogs so I know you're not going to be trading them bUT (for sure not going to get this one, but if you were to even consider it I'd probably add a lot to the trade)

The only thing you own I like is Bucky, Leo, and Breeze I wouldnt trade tangy for them ;;

Magi is the nekoi which I told you isnt for trade as their pending ^^;

Hollow however I've been looking to rehome for awhile uvu

5 Replies